Safe Payment Methods for Content Creators: A Complete Guide


Nov 27, 2024

You have your content ready, you know where you want to sell, you have your brand and your niche, and you’re ready to go. But there is another decision to be made: how the hell are you going to get paid? I always suggest having at least two payment methods available.

  • Some form of cash transfer service if one is available for more local payments.
  • A platform that you can accept international customers payments such as your subscription fansite, or a wishlist site.

Let’s have a quick chat about safe payment methods that are available to us. And after we go over some of these safe ones, we’re going to talk about some that we really should be avoiding.

Safe/safer payment methods:

Crypto Currency

  • Bitcoin– Across the industry this tends to be seen as an amazing option. I want to be upfront and say I have no experience or knowledge of this. However, I am linking a resource here that could help get you started there.
    • Some of the pros are that it is completely anonymous, they do not mind our type of creators, and the transactions are fast and international.

Cash transfer app

Cash transfer services are fantastic for domestic payments. But it is very important to choose the one you plan to use carefully. Some will protect your privacy, where as some will not. Lateley these services seem to be tightening up against sex workers. Always use services like these with care and cash out everything! Never let your money sit.

  • Cash app- This is the big one that is used pretty much industry-wide as long as it is available in your country. You are also able to transfer Bitcoin through the app. There are pros and cons to this platform as a payment method.
    • They are not adult content or sex worker-friendly. In the past this was a significantly safer app to use as we were able to fly under the radar fairly easily. Around mid-2024 we have started seeing more and more and more not only just creators accounts being shut down for terms of service violations, but just accounts in general being shut down for terms of service violations.
    • They are completely anonymous. Yes, you have to input your personal information to start your account and to connect to your bank, but not a single person is going to see that. Instead the only thing that can be seen is your username and your display name which you can choose to be whatever you would like. And if you have a business account, all they are going to see is that business name.
    • To prevent any issues from coming up, consider switching to a business account. Also, tell your buyers to leave no note at all.
    • With a business account you are going to then incur a small fee as described below. However, if you have a large amount of incoming payments and not much transferring out to other users, that will likely trigger some suspicion. But if you are a business, it is to be expected.
    • A quick note about if you have a business account, it will not work for international payments in some countries.
    • A second note about business accounts, they do take a fee from you. But instead of the usual 20%+ you can expect on a platform, it is 2.75%.
    • Just about everybody who can access a cash app has a cash app. It’s fast and reliable.

Clip sites

There are a couple of main ones that either I have used or I have heard vouched for by other creators. We absolutely want to add a clip site for a payment method. Because we can use those platforms for multiple purposes. Not only can it be used as a payment method, but many also have subscription services you can take advantage of, and both of these below you can resell custom content you were already paid to make. That way you are making your content work for you and getting the absolute most value out of it you can. I see my manyvids, which is what I use for international customers, as a passive income source and a payment platform.

  • Clips4sale (has a 75% payout for tips).
  • Manyvids (has an 80% payout on tips)
    • This platform, unlike Clips4sale, can be used for 3rd party age verification on r/sexsells along with many other selling subreddits.
  • IWantClips (has a 80% payout for tips/tributes)

Cam sites

This is a great option if you already are on a cam site or are considering it. Not only does it provide an area for people to pay you, but just like your subscription platform, it shows your buyer where to find you for more content. I have no experience accepting payments from these sites, so I am pulling all of this information from this resource. Here are a couple of the options you have available to accept payments on cam sites:

  • Cam model directory (has a 75% payout, and according to this source payment is instant)
  • Sky Private (has a 75% payout, but provides the ability to earn an 80% payout with enough referrals)

Gift Cards

Amazon gift card

This is a fairly highly contested method of payment. That gift card you get can only be used on Amazon, and cannot be cashed out in any way. Again, ensure that your buyers know to not leave any notes on this gift. As Amazon is also adult content creation and sex worker unfriendly.

  • The biggest pro with Amazon gift cards is they are non-refundable unless required by law.
  • There are a couple commonly used methods of accepting an Amazon gift card and some are safer than others. But that golden rule still applies with this, you do not perform that content or service until you see those funds in your gift card balance in your account.
    • A very common method of receiving Amazon gift cards is a code. The buyer will purchase the card, copy the code, and then send it to you. Again, do not perform any content or services until you have made sure that that gift card works and it is for the correct account by applying it to your balance.
    • Another common method is through email. You provide your work email, which only has your stage name information on it, to the buyer. They will purchase a card and then email that card to you. And then you will check that balance in your account and make sure it works.

Wish list sites

These are an awesome option. However, something that I don’t see everyone taking into account is that the second you receive a gift whether it be a cash gift or a physical gift in return for service, it is no longer a gift, it is now taxable income. So, if you are receiving payment on wish list sites for services, whether it is in the form of a cash tip or a physical gift, you need to track that so that you can report it for your taxes. I am going to touch on two

  • Throne– This is what I personally use as a option and after around 27k in gifts later, I genuinely love it as a site overall. I attempt to push people to use my other two options first, to make tracking income and taxes easier. But genuinely a wonderful last option.
    • Huge note about cash gifts, it is against their TOS to accept cash gifts in return for any services. So again, make sure your buyers know to not leave a note. Or go into your settings and turn that option off.
    • Processing funds on their side takes about 7 days, and then your bank institution may also take time to process that into your account.
    • They do not charge a fee to us the creators for processing or anything, that fee is tacked on to the buyer’s purchase.
    • Please note, unless you are switched, by them, to MassPay, they use Stripe as a payment processor which is absolutely not NSFW creator friendly. Stripe can and will stop processing payments from all platforms if it catches on.
    • Another reason I love Throne, they will not do chargebacks that are initiated by gifters. They have to come to us the creators, and ask for a refund. This is unless the payment has been flagged as fraud, and then the authorities will be brought in to investigate. That is an awesome deterrent to prevent buyers from scamming.
  • Youpay– This is my main preference of payment platform. I have had fantastic experiences with the customer service and support. In fact when it was still very new and still launching new features regularly they implemented a completely new feature entirely because I asked them if they could. They went out of their way to implement a brand new feature just because one person needed it. That is setting the standard. I just hit the 15k mark in earnings with them and have been a verified creator on their platform.
    • They have publicly and loudly stated that they welcome and support sex workers on you pay.
    • A huge pro is that they DO NOT allow charge backs. The person attempting a chargeback has to be able to actively prove to them that their card was stolen and that those charges were fraudulent. I have had multiple situations in which a payment was held for review and it was all cleared up within hours at most.
    • You have the option to process your payments through Stripe or CoinFlow. I personally use CoinFlow. Not only is it much safer for adult creators than stripe, it also provides you access to a dashboard so that if a client’s payment does not go through, you are able to see the code and the reason as to why so you can relay that to your client and get things cleared up faster. That dashboard y’all is beautiful.
    • Payouts tend to take me 3-5 days. More often three.
    • We do not get charged from the platform for payment. All of that is transferred to the buyer

Again I want to reiterate about using wish list sites as payment for services. Just because it is considered a gift or a tip on that platform, does not mean it is not payment for a service. And it is taxable income. You must track it and you must report it.

Subscription Sites and Platforms

  • MintPay Via MintStars – The day will come at some point that I stop screaming the praises of this platform but it’s not today. Whether you choose to use the platform to also post and sell content or not, MintStars saw a gap in the industry for a safe, sex work friendly, payment platform that we do not have to hide to exist in, and they filled that gap with gusto.
    • Similar to wish list sites listed above we are not charged to use the platform via fees or any other method. Every single penny we earn is given to us. The buyer’s take on that responsibility.
    • They are very sex work friendly. They are direct sales friendly. They understand we are using this platform to get payment for content that may be off their platform on on their platform. Their priority it seems is to just provide us a safe avenue.
    • Their customer service and support blows me away. Their community Discord server for their verified creators gives you direct access to actual human support just about 24 hours a day in my experience. They have also shown that they are beyond willing and ready to go the extra mile to take care of their community of creators. And y’all, there ain’t no bot behind these accounts. These are genuine people here to help.
    • You are designated a specific tipping page (MintPay) where buyers can send you a ‘surprise’ or un pre-formatted tip, or you have the ability to create a pay link with a specific amount. You can also set preset tip amounts and tip minimums.
      • There is also a wonderful feature where you can set a reward for tippers based on:
        • Number of tips
        • A single tip amount
        • A cumulative tip amount
    • Payouts have taken from 1-3 days for me on average.
    • Click here for a referral link!

Those are just a few of the payment platform options that are used for direct payments. Those are all relatively commonly used and somewhat trusted. Let’s go over the ones we very much so should not trust or use.

Less Safe But Commonly Seen Payment Methods

Cash transfer apps and platforms

  • PayPal
    • Don’t use this, please. So very many creators have had their accounts shut down, and their money either frozen or completely taken. PayPal is so notoriously not sex worker friendly. Very many selling subreddits do not accept this as a form of payment method or at least warn against it due to this.
    • Unlike cash app where none of your information is shared during transactions, both your email and your registered name will be shared with a buyer. You cannot use any name other than your legal name on PayPal. The buyers do not need to see that.
  • Venmo
    • Venmo is owned by PayPal, and all of the same issues that PayPal has are present with Venmo. Including account seizures and information sharing.

Subscription sites and platforms

  • Onlyfans
    • I have learned my lesson. I have been scammed through chargebacks three times now by buyers who paid there, received the service, and then charged back. The overall concept of getting a buyer to your subscription platform makes total sense. But when that subscription platform in no way protects you from chargebacks and being scammed, definitely consider avoiding that.
    • If you do accept payment through this platform, I would suggest waiting the seven days until the buyers payment has processed and you can withdraw it.
    • If you have a paid page, buyers will have to subscribe to tip you which can be a deterrent.
  • Fansly
    • This is a much better option to use as a payment platform through a subscription platform. They cover chargebacks so they do help protect you from being scammed. But please note, if your account has a high number of chargebacks in comparison to other creators, or you receive a very large sum for chargebacks, they can very well start deducting those earnings, or even go so far as to deactivate or ban your account.
    • I would still suggest, at least for custom content, to consider waiting until the funds are available for withdrawal before delivering the content.
    • It is against their ToS to use Fansly as a payment platform as shown in this resource, though it is safer to mention off platform socials.
    • Click here for a referral link!

Very few payment methods are infallible for adult content creators due to extremely strict regulations and terms of service from payment processing platforms. There are methods that are better to use and safer (like MintStars), there are some that are less safe and can lead to more problems (Like OnlyFans). Research into any single platform you ever consider using before you use it. Know what you’re signing, and know who you are trusting your money with.


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