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How Poor Communication is Reshaping the Content Creation Market
Communication is crucial in any industry.
The same rings true within the online adult content creation world. Another truth well known throughout our industry is that buyers tend to be a bit less vocal on their experiences than creators. That is until they have a genuinely negative experience. Lately we have been seeing a huge influx of buyers speaking out publicly regarding these negative experiences. Most of these grievances have been centered around seller/ creator’s lack of communication. It has come to the breaking point where a very large portion of trustworthy, and viable buyers are taking steps back from the market due to this lack of communication, or even worse, straight scamming. Due to this the team at Creators Spicy Tea, r/FetishHaven, r/FetishPlayhouse, and FetishBuyersCommunity wanted to put together something to highlight what the buyers are saying. The goal in this is to be able to put a spotlight on our clients voices and begin bringing our community together.
To preface, none of what is shown here is meant to bash creators, neither as a whole nor as individuals. Rather its intent is to shine a light on the rather dire state our market and community has reached and start a conversation around solutions.
Straight From the Consumers
Through this section of the resource we are going to be pulling direct quotes from buyers about how they feel their needs are not being met. At the end of each direct quote we will go over best practices for when life throws us creators curve balls and how to best navigate that with your clients.
Disappearing Sellers
“the vanishing seller phenomenon is one I’m experiencing more and more these days. Not throwing shade here exactly, I definitely understand we all have lives and cannot be glued to our phones 24/7. That said, the amount of times that without warning sellers just go radio silent during negotiations is bizarre to me. If something comes up, or your driving, or your just not interested, I’m not sure why so many don’t just quickly say so? It seems like an odd practice, especially considering that the complaints about people wasting sellers time is so rampant. You would think, having a polite, generally strait to business buyer attempting to succinctly strike a deal (to an ad you responded to) would a good thing.”
What we can take away from that:
Once we as creators answer a DM or start negotiations for a sale we need to be ready to either close that deal or provide that service. Keep your DMs un-opened and un-answered until you are available. Of course we all have experienced the unexpected popping up in the middle of a negotiation and there is no sure fire way to avoid that. When it does happen, open communication will go miles. That doesn’t mean we need to give all the details of what is going on in our personal lives, but a simple ‘something came up, can we touch base on this tomorrow?’ will go a very very long way to establish trust and understanding.
Seller Time Wasters
“Happens a lot where I make a post, specify what I’m looking for, how long, and how much I’m paying. Potential seller responds then after I confirm my ad, they try and renegoitate the price or length. The ad says what I’m looking for. Changing payment method is somewhat acceptable, but the rest has been laid out.
tldr if you don’t want to fulfill a request, don’t respond to the ad.”
What we can take away from that:
Pretty much summed up by that TLDR, the lesson we can walk away from with this is do not respond to an ad with the intent to upsell, or in any way change what was requested. For myself personally I won’t respond to an ad that is anything below my rates unless I am genuinely interested in making the content. In those cases I fully understand that by answering their requests I am fully consenting to their stated rate and content specifications. Some subreddits have seen so many buyer reports of sellers attempting these tactics that it is now a written rule. For example FetishWantAds has rule number 8 that states “Do not comment unless you are able to fulfill the request and meet all of the listed requirements.”
Whats the Worse Interaction You’ve Had
For this post we are digging into the comment section rather than the body of the post itself.
“I just posted a review but I’m still so irritated I wanted to add to this thread. I had a verified seller agree to a custom video with the understanding that it would be 2-3 day turnaround time. It took over 6 weeks to receive a rushed video that was missing nearly everything g we had agreed on. The only way I could ever get a reply from her was to essentially provide a date that I would message the mods. Without fail id get a reply the day I was going to message.
She changed telegram accounts midway and claimed she lost the details of the sale (which were all discussed on Reddit, so definitely not lost).
The kicker is that she apparently has a second verified account and she replied to a different buy ad, clearing not knowing it was me. She’s now blocked me from both of her accounts. Definitely a horrible experience.”
“From a buyer standpoint it’s generally being ghosted that kills everything for me. People who are ALL GAME! in the build up and then when it comes to delivery.. GONE! Don’t wanna respond or just plain block and delete all record of conversation. Only useful info I have of interaction is the transaction log to be able to report any wrong doing from the individual.
It seems to be a more common trend that I’ve had happen to me more recently and it’s just totally killing the buying side of things for me. I really do wanna walk away from this whole scene, but there are a few good souls still out there who genuinely care about their craft and are great to work with.”
“It’s actually really really rare to find a seller that gives you updates. 😳 Even great sellers, that are quick and do a good job, it’s pretty much crickets after payment. I don’t need to chat, but some kind of update without me asking for it would be really great.
And it would be super nice to have something, anything delivered early. I can count on one hand the number of sellers that delivered before the last minute on the quoted date. Not to mention rampant delays.
I help a seller kinda find her legs in the community and told her to pad her delivery days by one day, and always deliver early. I don’t know if she took my advice, but she was a superstar in 3 days.
Regardless, in the end if the content is good, these are really just nit picks.”
What we can take away from that:
Every single one of these mentioned the crazy importance of open and consistent communication. It is understandable that once we have payment for a custom of other delivered-later item we need to move on to get to the next client, next sale, etc. But communication cannot end until the sale ends. The sale doesn’t end at payment. It ends once content has been fully delivered. We can also take away the importance of ensuring we have every detail requested for their content. I personally will pin messages that mention specific details, or write notes in my custom script sheet. I will also send an outline of the script I put together for their approval. More than once that step has saved me from missing something.
“It didn’t used to be like this, from my experiences. Sellers used to enjoy discussing details. I think the market is so oversaturated now, they just think “I gotta find out if you’re serious, if not, the next buyer might be” type vibe.
My big issue has been with how impersonal the whole thing has become. Feels like being at the DMV now. Sellers don’t wanna get to know you, even after paying, they give one word replies.
“I love your look!”
“Appreciate you taking the time to answer my ad!”
“No problem.”
Like, bruh, I get you don’t see me as a person, just a paycheck, but at least pretend to be nice. Lmao.
Wanna add, a seller will tell you, “No money was sent, no scam. No money, no commitment” but put you on a timewaster subreddit if you back out of a deal if you get the ick about a seller.”
What we can take away from that:
Our clients, our customers are openly expressing that they feel like they are not seen as people. Just as paychecks. And they are saying that the experience is becoming less and less personal for them. That is why they come to creators rather than free porn. For the personal experience and connection, no matter how brief or acted. When that is not able to be provided by us, they are at the point of simply not wanting to go through with the interaction anymore. It is so important to build a connection, or at least some customization to the clients experience. A connection is what will keep them coming back to you every time.
A Note From a Buying Team Member of CST
To preface this I would like to say that this is one of the members who has helped pushed this community to what it is now. They have moved mountains to help us creators as much as they can from their end and have been working to make huge changes in the buying side of the community. They themselves are also an amazing buyer to have and one of my genuine best friends. In reading their words the message hit home for me hard, so I figured it would be important to share with everyone.
“This is something that seems to be getting progressively worse and worse as time goes on within the community. There seems to be a big push by creators to go all out to secure an order, and then once payment has been made, that energy immediately transitions to securing the next order, and the client that has already paid gets pushed to the backburner. Fully understand that by paying, the client has not gained the right to all the time they want from a creator, but going completely quiet and not updating at all can be concerning, especially as the deadline starts approaching. But this is where the biggest issues come into play. No only are sellers moving buyers to the backburner once they have paid communication wise…but they also seem to put little effort into ensuring they are hitting their own promised deadlines as well. It almost seems as if they are promising whatever they need too in order to get the order, and will then deal with any potential pushback if they aren’t able to deliver in that timeframe. But here is the thing…even this would be tolerable to most buyers, so long as there was open communication about the delay, and updates came regularly from the creator in regards to when they were planning on completing. But the majority of the time, it seems like the client is the one that has to do all the chasing and getting the same excuses and broken promises.
Two things will make this even more of an issue…one, if clients can see you actively posting, and more annoyingly, replying to want ads. This shows that you are prioritizing other clients that haven’t even paid over their order that they have now been waiting to receive. Two…how quickly things can happen once they are forced to get mods involved. If you haven’t replied to their messages for days/weeks, then after getting mods involved, you reach out within minutes and have the order done within an hour…that is unbelievably frustrating.
Prioritizing potential sales over delivering to paying customers is a good way to ensure you don’t have repeat business and are constantly chasing after the next order, rather than having a solid foundation of regulars.
Here are a couple of examples that I have personally dealt with recently, different situations, different levels of frustration to me personally, but ones that could absolutely upset buyers enough to ensure they will not be interested in future business.
Situation #1:
Paid for a wear with a provider, they informed me that they would start the wear that Friday. Friday comes, no messages from the provider, no idea if the wear actually started. Saturday and Sunday also go by, no communication. Monday rolls around, I ended up getting 4 wear photos. For clarity’s sake, here is how their menu lists the pricing;
Panties: 1 day wear + 2 non-nude proof pics per day – $$
Ended up getting two more the following day, and was provided tracking. Is this a major deal for me…not really, it’s nice to know when a wear is actually starting, and in my opinion, the whole point of “proof” pics is that you send them each day the items are worn, showing that you are wearing them for the agreed upon days. What I do know, is that many other clients would be a lot more worried about not getting the pictures when they were supposed too, and could reach out and be a little terse in their messaging…leading to unnecessary conflict. And almost assuredly, not returning for future order.
Situation #2:
Paid for a wear with a provider, they informed me that they would keep me up to date on my wear. 10 days pass…no interaction from them at all. So I reach out, asking them if they know when they think they will be starting my wear, don’t need an exact date, just a rough estimate. She replied that she should be getting to my wear at the end of the following week (my follow up message was sent on a Tuesday). So, essentially, she had a 3 week waiting time on her wears. Personally, I don’t care about how long the wait is to get on someone’s schedule…but having that knowledge when booking the wear is nice to know. And, for someone that does care about how long the potential wait is, having that knowledge allows them to make an informed choice on if they want to move forward. Sure, it is partially on the client to ask if wait time is important to them, but being vague about it also feels like the provider is doing what they can to secure the order without being completely honest. And going 10 days without any kind of an update and requiring me to reach out to get an idea when the wear will occur…it can’t help but leave a sour taste in your mouth.
Update…they reached out 8 days later to tell me that my item has been shipped, and provided tracking. No communication from them when they started the wear and no updates throughout the wear.
Situation #3:
Talked to a provider over the summer about a new idea I wanted to try out, and knowing them a little bit, figured they would be interested in trying it with me. At first we just talked about how we thought it would work out, how we would take something already on her menu that she offered and mold it to fit this new idea. We ended up agreeing to a general outline and pricing to match. At some point, I just wanted to get payment sent to them, and then we could work together to figure out when we wanted to start. They had a lot going on in life, super busy and big life changes, so I knew it wouldn’t be for a while. All of this is perfectly fine with me, we openly communicated, kept in touch, and knew we would get to it. We started getting to a point where things were clearing up on their end, and they wanted to move forward. I asked multiple times if they really thought it was a good time to start, I wasn’t in any kind of a hurry, and I didn’t want them to feel rushed or pressured to start this while they were still very much busy with life. They assured me they were ready and really excited to get started. We planned it out on when we would start and then when we would get together to do the first session. This involved something that we would both be doing in our own time leading up to said session. I sent a few messages during the week, making sure we were clear on what we wanted to cover, making a slight adjustment, and overall just expressing how excited I was. Not only have I not gotten a response…but my messages have not even been seen/read. Time for the first sessions comes and passes…still no communication. I sent one more message, stating that I have finished my side of the experience, and she could let me know whenever she was ready on her side. It has now been 2 ½ weeks since they have communicated (we are now at 3 weeks and counting). What I have seen is them posting ads, and them responding to random posts in forums that showed they are still being active in the community and not just posting to sell. To reiterate…it took us 2 months from payment to get to the point where we were going to start…I have no problem waiting, so long as they are communicating and being open and honest with me. And, they were the ones to push to start when we did, I was perfectly fine waiting longer until she had more time and could do this more comfortably. But they wanted to start it right away…and proceeded to drop the ball. I’ve worked with this creator a number of times before, we chat regularly about life and hobbies/interests. And that is where this ends up stinging even more, the fact that it now feels like my kindness, understanding and generosity are being taken advantage of, or being taken for granted.
Once again to reiterate, communication is so important. I’m working with another creator on a custom photo set. Once again, life has just been an absolute beast this year…or these past few years. She just hasn’t had the time to focus on the project and get it started. But the key is, she is very open and honest about it. She lets me know when she is planning on trying to work on them, and before that time passes, she is open about what has gone on and why she wasn’t able to complete it. That interaction, the honesty, it is all I can ask for. I’ve tried to give her other options in case she wants to adjust to something different…but we both really love the original idea, and are going to keep trying until it just isn’t feasible.
I’ve also ordered different picture set requests that the seller wasn’t able to deliver on, but again, they were open and honest with it, so we found a way to convert that into a different idea, and due to life happening to them, it got delayed a few times, until I followed up with another idea that I wanted done at a specific time, and we ended up just combining the two so they got delivered together. All in all…it was probably about 18 months from the start to finish. But the key was constant communication, both of us being open and honest about what we wanted and what we could do, and working together to, in the end, come up with the best possible solution. They felt bad about not being able to deliver on the original idea, but ended up falling in love with the idea we adjusted too, and getting to tie it into another order really allowed them to go all out and put everything into it. And the wait was absolutely worth it.
Communication…honesty…having respect for the person you are working with. Both buyers and sellers need to have this, otherwise the community is going to continue to fall apart, fracture, and become truly contentious.
It’s not buyers vs sellers. We are one community.
How does this affect me personally? Well, when working with new (to me) sellers like the first two examples I mentioned, the biggest concern I have is how common this is becoming across the community, and how that is going to continue to drive a wedge between both sides. For me, quite simply it means that I will not work with them again in the future. Product might turn out great, but the enjoyment I get is from the entire process, the whole journey. If I didn’t get much of any interaction from them, delays on service provided or general lack of communication…why would I want to work with them again.
The other example hits a little deeper. Having someone you have a history with, have gotten to know over time do that to you, it can’t help but leave you feeling a little jaded. I don’t think anything is being done maliciously, but the lack of empathy or compassion of my feelings, like fulling taking advantage of the fact that I am patient and understanding…it makes you think about how much more time and effort you want to put into the community. It makes you think…do I need to take a step back and reevaluate things. The connection is what brings me the most joy from buying directly from creators…if that gets diminished because I start getting taken advantage of for that, how long do I even want to continue to buy.
I’m not fully to that level yet…but those thoughts definitely creep in, and if things continue in this way, those thoughts start holding a lot more weight. Am I going to stop buying, no. But I have already adjusted how I buy and space it out a lot more…and I can see that continuing to be the direction I go, overall less activity and reserving my purchases to a finer pool of creators.”
Closing Notes
Life will fuck our business up at the worst times. We all know this. And buyers, regardless of sale status, are not entitled to our time. However, as the team member above said, communication, honesty, and respect will take what can become a contentious situation and at least alleviate it. We as creators cannot expect buyers as a collective to be the first to extend those things. Just as they cannot expect us as a collective to do it first. What we each can do individually is decide to show those in every single interaction we have. If we don’t start individually making the choice to do so, then the collective will never change, and the community will continue a downward spiral. These are our businesses. We all need to make sure the market in which they are hosted stay viable and thriving through our own interactions. We have to decide to fight for the community as a whole and not just one part of it. We rely on our buyers, just as they rely on us.
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