Buyers Perspective: Physical Panty Content – You Asked, and the Buyers Answered

Physical content sales, especially physical panty content, seems to be an area that I see a lot of questions from sellers to buyers on. I see questions that span everything from logistics to preferences. And in private conversations and creator spaces even more questions can come up that maybe creators have felt it inappropriate, or never the right time to ask a client.

So via multiple subreddits such as r/creators_spicy_tea, r/fetishhaven, r/fetishmarketsocial, and within private creator only spaces like the Creator Resource Chats Discord server I asked y’all what questions you have that you could ask a buyer directly.

Well I took those questions, and I did just that. I gathered a small handful of physical content buyers with a wide range of experience and preferences and I asked them the questions you had. I figured today I would sit down and write out and summarize their answers for everyone!

Assuming this resource is helpful, we hope to again partner with r/FetishBuyersCommunity to be able to ask more questions to a wider pool of respondents. All respondents who participated in this resource will stay anonymous. And creators spicy tea, and all creators in general would like to extend a huge thank you to them for their participation and their help! These questions got really damn personal so the length y’all went to help us understand better is seen and appreciated!

So what we are going to do is just look at the questions one by one and the responses one by one so that y’all can get the most in-depth answers possible!

The Responses

What kinds of extras do they like with orders? (such as a thank you note, stickers, etc sent in the package)

The general response to this seemed to emphasize the importance of a personal touch. Most stated a thank you note being important as a bare minimum. Though that personal touch does seem to be important, the reminder that discretion is incredibly important as well is in here. And one of the respondents brought up a really great point that the more we send their way, the more they potentially have to hide away from their IRL life. It seems though the package and extras are important to be personalized, it’s equally important to remember discretion, and that the final product is the sent physical item, so the focus should be on that.

Polaroid, sprayed with perfume, thank you note, general would be for something like personal

I like a personal touch as much as anyone else, but it isn’t what will have to coming back to buy again. The experience as a whole is important but I’m paying for the end result. They’re nice but not really necessary.”

I like things that feel more personal and specific to me. For instance, I would rather get a ripped piece of paper with a personalized thank you note than a generic thank you card. Nothing wrong with the generic thank you card, just write something on it to make it more specific to the individual buyer. Other things that add a little life to the package and make it more your own are also fun, but you need to be careful with things like that. I’m all for getting stickers, little gifts like toys/pins, things that you personally made (I had someone brand my name on a little piece of wood…completely unique and very much still sticks out in my mind). But, you need to know who you are sending this too. A lot of buyers are trying to keep everything discreet, and random extra/trinkets are just more things they need to hide and dispose of to prevent from being caught. It might take a little of the fun out of it, but it’s always good to ask and get permission from the buyer before including extras, just to make sure it is ok and will be well received. As an aside…always ask before you spray any kind of perfume on something like a thank you card. This literally just happened to me, veteran seller send a card and added a spritz of perfume to the note they included…and the scent worked its way into the ziploc bag and onto the physical item they sent. I’m not paying to smell perfume, I want to smell you. Some buyers might be ok with this, but this is something that 100% should always be asked before sending. And vac sealing is not a guarantee that the scent will be kept separated, as I have had that happen before as well

At least one proof of wear pic per day (digital is beast) should be built into your price and or provided. A personal thank you note is the best. I love the thank you note.I have got a copon for10% for my next purchase that is cool. The way it is wrapped and the presentation is a nice touch anything that shows you care put some thought and effort into it.

I honestly love it all, it really shows that seller truly enjoys the entire process. But if I had to pick a favorite, handwritten thank you notes are the best. It’s so personal and lovely, I’m a sucker for a handwritten letter. It definitely heightens the connection that was established when setting up the wear or content.

A particular seller attached pictures to the order! I always enjoy those. Shout out to REDACTED!

What would you suggest for new buyers who want to try panties but don’t know what they are looking for? (Length of wear, panty style, etc. Any advice for a seller that we could give to a new physical buyer)

I was so incredibly excited when I saw this question had been asked. Myself personally I have had so many new to physical content or even new to all content buyers who just aren’t sure what they’re going to want at the very beginning. A huge personal thank you to the creator who suggested this question!

I’d say to start pretty basic. A day or two, two being the max and focus on the scents you want. If you like a sweaty crotch scent get a workout, if you’re more of a booty or pungent guy then maybe go no shower. But don’t order too much or too long. You need a base pair to figure out what you like and don’t like. Add to the things you like and take away from what you don’t. As far as type, that will vary based on zones. If you want something basic and all around consider a cheeky or bikini type to start. Good overall coverage and still appealing to look at.

Work with someone that is on the Trusted Seller List (Star Reviews, not Content), and read through reviews. Looks for reviews that include details on what you think sounds enjoyable for you. Then reach out to some of those sellers that you find compelling. Be open and honest, ask a lot of questions, but keep the conversation information driven and not turn it sexual. The only way to really figure out what you like, is to try out a few pairs from some different sellers, and keep the orders consistent so you can get a baseline for what you might like. And really think about what is driving the desire and what you want to get out of a pair of panties. Don’t start on the deep end, don’t go crazy with length and add ons, because you might not be prepared for what you get. At most I would do 2 days of wear, with add ons that match what they think they would enjoy. That could be a workout if they like sweat, or a no wipe front if they like pee/uric scent, or a masturbation session to get more of that discharge scent. Avoid full stuffing on a first time buy. In terms of the panty style, realistically they should go with what they enjoy seeing first. Aesthetic plays a big part, so they will want to go with a visual they enjoy first. Sellers, know your product. Take the time to ask your clients about your pairs when you send them out. Get a feel for how strong other people think your scent is. Keep track of how long buyers are buying and where that feedback falls. Know which add ons bring out each specific zone. Do workouts add more scent, or not showering? How much does TToTM affect your scent…not during, but the time before and right after? Does ovulation make a major difference in the strength of your scent. What works best for you to bring out zone 3? Not skids/scat…but that pure booty scent (workouts? rubbing through the material during play sessions? clean stuffing?). You need to be the expert on you, and you need to be open and honest with what you can and cannot provide. You need to be willing to admit if what someone is looking/asking for is not something you can produce, and let them know. And especially with new buyers…be prepared for completely unreasonable expectations and be willing to teach and educate.

Your safty is important too. You can still catch things from underwear. I know you may feel like you are being annoying or difficult but make sure you and the creator are on the same page and every detail is good and approved by both of you. It may take longer but the results will be better and you both. Both of you will be happier and have a better time and results in the end. Don’t be afraid to explore somtimes. You are not going to like everything but you might find something you did not know you liked. Try different add-ons. If you are a sent person like me a lot of different things can make the sent change. Working out is good if you like the smell of sweat but it masks her natural sent.

I think perhaps it might entice the customer if they got like a video out of it too like videos of the seller wearing, mastubating, working out and anything else.

I would definitely suggest that they do thorough research on sellers and what they offer. Initially stuck to colors and styles you know you like and do shorter wear lengths at first, test the waters to see what level of scent strength you’re comfortable with. I started off with 24hr wears and only did 48hr+ wears with sellers I knew I wanted a longer stronger scent from. Then from there explore various add ons and so on. I wouldn’t suggest going crazy at first, it could end up an expensive discouraging experience which is not fun

Asking the seller how she smells can help determine. I have sellers that I have to purchase a two day wear if I am to get any scent.

Does brand of the item matter?

I personally have always wondered this. I know for myself I grab relatively cheaper pairs of panties so that I can keep my prices as low as possible. So I was really grateful for this question. It seems the overall answer is everyone is going to have their own preference, but it doesn’t quite matter as much as other factors

I dont think it should for the buyer bur perhaps design would be impactful

Not as much as the material. I prefer modal or cotton for scent, satin-like materials for flavor. But certain brands do tend to have styles and “fits” that work well.

Realistically…not really. But everyone will have their preferences. The most common ones that you will see requested are VS and CK. But that doesn’t mean they are inherently better. What is true is that some extremely cheap brands are very much, you get what you pay for. So those really cheap pairs you can get from Amazon…sometimes those are not great, both in that they have a weird plastic/chemical scent that you need to make sure you get off of them before you wear for an order…and the fabric can be cheap and fall apart and not do a great job at holding scent. While my personal favorite brand is Cheek Boss, I’ve gotten excellent pairs from VS as well. Personally for me…CK is overrated and also expensive for basically a pair of hanes/fruit of the loom. Other brands that I have had a lot of luck with are the Walmart/Target brand panties. Both Auden and No Boundaries have been very effective for me.

100% yes. To me I don’t care about brand and all the bells and whistles. That is for you and your personal confert of the person wearing tham. I don’t want to pay for you champaign tast. To me Walmart or amizon panties cost less and are just as nice and the name brands.

It most cases , i tend to not mind, but Victoria secret is my favorite, in particular shine straps, so for sellers I’ve worked with the longest or trust. I reach out for specific brands or styles such as the BS shine straps, they’re usually longer wears with add ons and content. So I usually stick to more experienced or trusted sellers with those collaborations.

Not really, but they should be of decent quality. I have had a seller sell me panties that were hole-ridden.

Do you prefer to get digital content as well with your orders? What about a seller would make you want to also order digital content with your physical content?

It seems the general consensus of this answer is that your proof of wear pictures are a absolute necessity. But digital content is also appreciated with most physical orders, and that digital content is more likely to be ordered once a connection is established.

Make it seem like a black friday sale buy panties get a video for half off

i don’t care a whole lot about content in general. I just want a picture or two each day so I can experience the wear with the seller.

There is always going to be a visual appeal that goes along with wanting to order a pair of panties. I do honestly think that proof of wear pictures should be built into the overall cost. Doesn’t need to be anything explicit, quite literally proof that the items are being worn for each they that was purchased. And…send those proof of wear pics each day they are worn. You don’t have to do it at the same time everyday…but you should be sending them daily. Saving them all for once the wear is done, or sending once the items have been received really defeats the purpose of proof of wear pictures. Beyond that, I’m more likely to get additional content once I have worked with a seller previously and we have established a rapport. My first order with someone is to figure out if we are compatible, both in terms of my enjoyment of the item, but also how we connect personality wise. Once I know there is that connection, then I start getting more elaborate and creative putting together future orders. Themes are fun, getting to build wears and content that revolve around fun ideas really allows both sides to fully invest and enjoy the entire process.

Yes i do. I like to watch the creator cum and wipe it on the panties. To me, it helps me create a connection of sorts I like having that. I find it hot to watch the person whose panties I’m sniffing cumming in them panties. I tend to be a little picky. If I find you attractive enough to wanna buy your underwear, I’m going to find you attractive enough to want to see you naked.

I always prefer digital content with my wears, it makes it that more special and intimate. It magnifies the intensity and connection between seller and buyer. It also makes the wear that much more personal and something that reinforces the great lifelong memory you have now, thanks to the lovely creator you collaborate with. Content paired with the wear is absolutely priceless, well worth the investment and highly recommended.

Yes, I usually get a video of the seller masturbating in the panty. Physical attraction makes me order digital content.

What are you looking for in a comment left under an ad that tells you: this is the right seller for me ?

The general answer for this seems to come down to the same things as digital content: Personality and connections along with attention to detail. This seems to be the trend in both comments and posts.

Im more personality based so if we connect im buying

I don’t really use the want ads because too many people respond that can’t fulfill. But the comment they leave isn’t going to entice me either way. I’m going to look at their profile and make a decision.

I don’t post ads for physical wears, I look for posts that I have an initial interest in and then follow and keep an eye on their profile for a while. What do I look for in posts and profiles that triggers that initial interest? Clever and creative titles. Variety…different panties being advertised, different positions showing them off. Being consistent, being active, seeing how they interact with users/the community. I use reddit on desktop a lot…if I have to scroll endlessly to get past the “I’m Available/Interested” comments to ads…that tells me a lot. For that matter, even though I don’t post ads…but being original and not just copy pasting replies to ads goes a long way. Show that you have read the request and reply to it directly. Having a menu and drawer, and having it available on your profile. If I don’t see a menu, chances of me even bothering to send a message are slim. I know it can seem like most buyers don’t bother to look at your menu…but most legit buyers would prefer to know what you offer and be prepared before reaching out.

Captions and comments straight ito the point and simple are always nice to me. It’s more about what picture of the item you’re putting out there. If it’s one filled with stains and goo and stuff like that, no, thank you, what if it’s of the panties, or are you in the panties? And? You’re not being gross about it.I’ll give me a second look

Honestly, a sense of humor and generally playful enjoyment goes a long way. It lets me know that the particular seller is taking the time to make the most of the comment section which can be a bit taxing of course. It is really important to show a bit of what a buyer can expect when reaching out. If you’re chill with good vibes, there’s a better chance a timid or nervous buyer will reach out.

A seller that fits the criteria of the ad posted. A lot of responses dont fit the ad and its usually overwhelming having to filter through that. You ask for an in-person exchange, you get sellers offering to ship or you ask for a particular race or body type and get the total opposite.

In what subreddits do you search for sellers?

Knowing where our clients and customer base are searching for us is an amazing resource so I am so happy this question was asked!

Fetishwantads only fan pages city pages too

Mostly the Fetish Playhouse ones, but also Sexsells

Primarily the r/FetishPlayhouse and r/FetishHaven selling subs. Certain ones like the location ones are super helpful when looking for something that is in your general area and you know shipping will be quicker. Then depending on your interest, there are plenty of sub catered to different niches.

I actually don’t use Reddit for it as mutch as I do Instagram, but I don’t really go through subreddits. I browse through my for you. It’s got a lot of pretty Woman on it. I see one whose panties i want to sniff. And I ask, cause I’m not scared to ask anymore.

Honestly, r/usedpanties, r/sweatypanties, r/sniffingknickers. r/pantyobsession. r/usedsocks, and the Fetish haven and FBC subs for sure, since I know I can look up ban lists and so on.

UsedPantiesSouth and UsedPanties4u”

What got you into buying panties?

Knowing our clients introduction into buying panties helps us better tailor their experiences and in general understand their wants and expectations. Only a few of our respondents had a reply for this, huge thank yous!

I’ve always enjoyed the scent of a woman. But, during covid, and being stuck at home and not getting to have many human interactions…that is when my journey into personal online content really got started. Getting to have that interaction with someone while also satisfying the sexual needs/desires. But even with the content…there was always something missing…that physical connection. I discovered the concept of buying worn/soiled panties from cam girls/OF creators, and after testing out, did some more research and found my way to reddit.

It’s illegal to steal them and I am much too pretty for jail. All jokes aside, that is the truth though. It’s being a really big bad creep, and doing wrong, if you’re sneaking around and taking things that aren’t yours. When you can come to an agreement with somebody, I don’t feel like a creep, it’s legitimate. We’re both willing and comfortable with it im good with that.

I’ve always been intrigued when the idea of buying panties from sellers in some way and experience different scents and aroma palettes. An ex GF that specifically wore shine straps and loved facesitting is absolutely a huge contributor to my jour.

I have always had a fetish growing up.

How important is discreet packaging to you?

I know a lot of my personal clients rely on discretion. For myself the best way to gauge the levels needed always comes down to communication.

Very important (live with family)

Very. Down to the return address it needs to look as generic as possible.

Me personally, not that important, but I would always advise to stick to discreet packaging. Even if a buyer is fine with something more extravagant…keep the packaging discreet and have fun with whatever you choose to put inside.


Somewhat but not really, it’s great to protect each other by keeping it as discreet as possible, as I’ve had packages sent to wrong addresses or lost.

Not to important, so long its not a transparent envelope.

What do you do with panties you purchase? (Be as detailed or vague as you feel comfortable with)

I know I have wondered this myself for the longest time but never felt appropriate to just ask. Huge thank you again for everyone who answered this as I am sure it is very private and personal.

I’d probably either do 1 of two things smell and perhaps try on

I’m mostly a scent guy

I’m a collector. For me it’s not just about getting off…honestly that is not something that I do very often with the panties I purchase. I have used some before to wrap around myself and finish into…and it kind of defeated the purpose of getting them for me. I enjoy the intimacy of panties. I enjoy getting something so personal from someone, them sharing this part of themselves with me, and I truly cherish that. It is also why it isn’t just the panties for me…its the whole experience. Getting to know someone, building the connection, having real and genuine conversations. All of that adds to my enjoyment of the physical item. And I can go back to a pair later, have some fun visuals to go along with the pair, and reminisce on our time together. I’m very nostalgic and sentimental, it really is the entire experience that does it for me.

I sniff them and masturbate. While looking at the digital content or other porn. When I get a new pair or I just can’t smell the pear anymore and they’re ready for retirement. I cume in them reseal them and pack them away

I am honestly, huge on experiencing a seller’s natural scent. While my panty aroma therapy is in session, I simply relax and allow the scents and aromas of my favorite sellers to take me to dreamland and drift off in Lovely bliss. The panties are a great reminder of taking chances and not caring what other’s think in pursuit of personal growth and happiness.

I also do wear them and ejaculate in them if their my size. The material is usually a turn on for me.

Which zone is your favorite?

Panty connesuiers know specific areas of a worn panty as zones. This is likely going to be highly variable per consumer, but it seems zone two is a large favorite.

Definitely zone two

Zone 2 is definitely my favorite, but zone 3 is fast catching up. I do enjoy every aspect of a pair tho, I love when there is fun variety and very clear differences between each zone, and I will enjoy every part of a pair as well. So getting that natural body/sweat scent as well, all of it adds to the enjoyment.

I like to gusset, and any part that comes in contact with either the vagina or but hole.

It honestly depends on the seller, generally zone 2 is always a favorite and fun. There are some seller’s who’s zone 3 after a workout is just absolutely addictive and treasured.

Zone 2

Do you like seeing markings? Does that affect the color/style/matieral you buy?

When I first started I was always so nervous about any staining or marking on a panty. I was so grateful to see this answered and it does seem very personalized.

Yes, no

Seeing is important because you can tell whether it was added to it or natural from wear, which helps determine if the seller was genuine with the experience.

Marking absolutely add to the appeal. Especially when you get updates as the pair is being worn and can see the buildup happening as the days go by, then getting to see the end result in your hand…that is very appealing. Obviously that is going to be different depending on each seller, but if you got it, show it off. In general though, it will not affect the panties that I buy from that seller. I will not take into account how the markings/buildup will look when choosing a pair.

I do not like stains, if that’s what you’re talking about. But my favorite is cotton thongs, or cheeks. I like as much of the underwear to be in contact with your body as possible specifically your holes. I like knowing the fabric has been directly against You and your holes. That being said, sometimes the type color in rare cases, designs are more of a person by person basis. I know what I like, but I also adapt to what looks good on you. Would I find you attractive in? And I like to find a middle ground. I also feel that cotton and panties. Hold your scent better than lace or synthetics.

Yes to both, natural markings are just the best, in many cases reassurance that the wear was fun for buyer and seller alike. Material and color are huge in this sense. For example synthetic materials are perfect for capturing scents for longer periods of time. So if you want markings to be more visible, darker tones and material play a major role. Cotton doesn’t hold as long and markings are usually not as visible as they are on synthetic materials.

” Vagina discharge are fine but poop markings are a huge turn-offs.”

Final Thoughts

Seeing as this resource alone has become very very long, and there’s still 11 more questions that we asked these handful of buyers, we are going to split up this resource into two parts. This is going to be part one, and part two is going to be coming out real close behind this one. I figure with another 11 more questions after this already having 11 it might be better to just break them up. So, I hope this might be helpful or at least interesting for somebody. And keep your eyes peeled for part two!

© 2025 Creators Spicy Tea

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Creators Spicy Tea with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


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